Our Story


Who We Are

JCT was formed for the original purpose of extraction and export of Oleo Pine Resin in the year 1999. We are one of now the leading export oriented companies in this industry. We have managed to maintain goodwill and close connections among our international buyers over the past 2 decades in the export industry.

Now as we further diversify into the area of exporting Cinnamon and Spices, to further take the best of Sri Lankan products to the International Market. We hope to empower and uplift many more people in the rural areas of our Nation.

Soaps sold


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Our Values

Ensuring the best quality and value for money.

All our products are screened through a quality process to comply with high quality standards in order to meet the requirements of our international buyers. We guarantee that our products are of good quality and have their immaculate aroma and taste.

Uplifting the living standards of our workers.

As per our Founder’s Vison, we allocate a greater share of our revenue to uplift the living standards of our employees as we believe the strength of a company lies within the workforce. We treat them with utmost kindness and generosity.

Women Empowerment

Our company has provided employment opportunities for women in rural areas. They are offered flexible working hours in order to maintain close family ties, while engaging in their lively hood. 75% of our workforce consist of women as we strongly believe in empowering the women of our nation.

Our Story

Cool Timeline


Beginning of the journey

Mr.Teemon Kodituwakku, Founder of JCT, started off his business career in Naveemana motors as an Importer of Motor spares in the year 1967 which was inherited by his forefather. The origin of this business was from down South Sri Lanka.

Setting Up His Own Business

After gaining experience from his father he managed to open up his own motor spares business in Colombo, in  1973 .  From there he was able to build up the business with hundreds of dealers Island wide.

Taking a New Direction

Although he was successful in his business. He felt he needed to contribute more towards uplifting low income families in his birthplace, of kamburupitiya. Kamburupitya is a small village near Matara town, in the Southern region of Sri Lanka. This was when he stumbled upon the project of extracting Resin out of pine trees, in Sri Lanka. Which was un-chattered territory for him and it was yet an untapped resource in Sri Lanka.

Following His Dream

JCT was formed in the year 1999 for the original purpose of extraction and export of Oleo Pine Resin. He took on the challenge of getting in to a completely different industry, with the intention of providing job opportunities and uplift the living standard of people in remote areas of our country. This enabled his dream of providing hundred and fifty jobs for the people in remote areas within less than a year after the inauguration.

Became The Market Leader for Oleo Pine Resin in Sri Lanka

JCT becoming one of the leading export-oriented companies for Oleo Pine Resin. Majority of our products being export to Asian Markets, Including India and Vietnam. We have an unblemished name in this trade for the past few years and will continue to do so.

Business Extends to The Next Generation

Our founder’s daughters functioning as Directors of JCT ensuring an effective succession of the business.

Diversification of JCT into Exporting of Ceylon Spices

As most of our Pine plantations are situated in the southern region, the area most of the spices are also cultivated, we were exposed to Cinnamon workers. And was drawn to helping them to take their products to the International Market. Using our quality control and logistics experience gained while operating in international markets we were able to diversify our product range to Ceylon spices.
The Team

These Are the Gals
That Make the Soaps!

Violet Krasinski


Bella Almost

Soap maker

Theo Jude


Esme Shield

Creative designer


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