Ceylon Cinnamon Oil

Method of Extraction : Steam Distillation

Cinnamon Essential Oil may be obtained from either the tree’s outer bark or its leaves, hence the two main varieties are Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil and Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil.

Cinnamon Leaf Oil and Cinnamon Bark Oil are both derived from the steam distillation of each of these respective parts.

The main chemical constituents of Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil and Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oils, albeit in varying amounts, are Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamyl Acetate, Eugenol, and Eugenol Acetate.

The uses for Cinnamon Essential Oil are abundant, ranging from medicinal and odorous to cosmetic. Its many forms include massage oils and gels, face creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, hair oils, room sprays, perfumes, and candles

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